Water Stories


Water Stories

Journey through the 8 museums of Marseille: Cantini Museum, Museum of La Vieille Charité: Museum of African, Oceanian and Native American Arts, Mediterranean Archeology Museum, Marseille History Museum, Natural History Museum, Decorative Arts Museum , poterie and fashion, Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC). - October the 21st 2017 to February the 11th  2018

Today it is therefore Véronique Bigo, who has been living in Marseille for several years, who was given a card which, we must admit, was not entirely blank. She had a constraint, which she easily accepted, to respect the hanging of the permanent collection. On the other hand, she decided herself to have a common thread, that of water, a choice which had for her, here at the Longchamp Palace, quite simply the force of the obvious, the monument celebrating in all the profusion of its decor the beneficial arrival of the waters of the Durance in Marseille.



Route through the Cantini Museum / Museum of African, Oceanian and Native American Arts / Museum of Mediterranean Archeology / Museum of Decorative Arts, pottery and Fashion / Museum of Contemporary Arts [mac]

Marseille - from  october the 21st to february the 11th 2018

Véronique Bigo has chosen to narrate these water stories with a route through the museums in Marseille with Ceci est un je/Jeu (this is a game). As in a labyrinth or a treasure hunt, deliberately biased, certainly joyful, she punctuates her little thumb's way with canvas that echoes the object she has noticed in each place that welcomes her. She encourages, as she did at the Museum of Fine Arts, to redo this incomparable experience of discovering or re-reading a work: a tonic and indispensable lesson in curiosity.

Texts taken from "The water stories of Véronique Bigo" by Luc Georget

Photo credit: JC LETT