Bags of Tricks



A journey into the collections through the 6 museums of Aix-en-Provence: Old Aix Museum / Cézanne's Workshop / Tapestries Museum / Granet Museum / Gardens of the Vendôme Pavilion / Méjanes Library.

Aix-en-Provence - May the 18th to October the 20th, 2019.

SAC (BAG): accessory for women's or men's clothing, for utilitarian use (storage of small personal items) or for aesthetics. We also say handbag. (Definition from the Larousse dictionary)

Véronique Bigo for this Exhibition / journey interferes in the collections of the Museum of Old Aix, she seizes an object and gives us to see it in a different way, thus awakening our gaze, and directing it towards these little things that take on meaning. 

In her compositions bags appear, containing stories, from which clues, objects, ingenuities emerge ...

What is there in Marie d'Estienne de Saint Jean's bag, or in Madame Cézanne's, that La Belle du Canet is hiding? Moments of life, secrets, fetish or incongruous objects ...

The artist also punctuates the permanent collections of the Granet Museum, the Musée des Tapisseries, the Atelier de Cézanne, the gardens of the Pavillon de Vendôme and the Méjanes library with his canvases ... to tell us new stories!

Extract from the flyer of the exhibition "Sacs à Malices" at the Musée du Vieil Aix, Aix-en-Provence, 2019

Photo credit: JC LETT